Welcome to the SLSI e-Service Portal

You will need a Username and Password to use the Portal. So, if you have not registered before please click on the link: “Sign Up”. You will need your ID number or Passport number (if you are a foreigner), your mobile number and email address to register. Once you have registered you can use the e-mail address and password you provided to Login and access the e-Services on the Portal.


The purpose of the e-ServicePortal is to enable selected SLSI services online, reduce the cost of accessing those services, streamline administrative processes, improve turnaround times, and strengthen accountability and responsiveness.


e-Services are online applications that enable citizens to consume available SLSI services. You can browse available services under the e-Services Catelogue menu tab. You will need your credentials to Login and consume these e-Services.

Sri Lanka Standards

Systems Certified Companies

SLS Certified Products

Energy Star Certified Products